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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  January 6, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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israel. >> texas senator john corn nan coming out for a possible strike against iran. it gains influence in the region. it is chuck hagel. meantime senators dick durbin says hagel would be a fine candidate for that job. >> hagel was a republican senator from nebraska a decorated veteran of the vietnam war, a person who has a resume that includes service on the foreign relations committee as well as the intelligence committee. yes, he's a serious candidate if the president chooses to name him. james rosen has details. what has senator hagel said about israel that has so many people upset. when you pay to interview david miller who became an author and
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commentary, tabling el, they intimidate a lot of people. i favored direct talks with iran in an effort to get the european union. >> he is consistently advocated weakness with respect to our enemies with respect to the nation of iran he has opposed sanctions over and over again and the job of the secretary of defense is to be a deterrent. i think weakness in the secretary of defense invites conflict because bullies don't respect weakness. a number of gop foreign policy heavy weights a former ambassador lined up in defense. >> senator hagel scored with
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candidate in 2008. he was auditioning for any then. >> it's a good constitutional questions. he was a nom me somehow brosly unf unfit. they will achuredly remind that and the public he was labeled as an fan troe he sees something to disfall by hagel. >> i know chuck hagel. he has done ex troud nature he rooshg in the senate. somebody who served this country with bavalor. serving on my advisory board doing an outstanding job. >> his presence on the board means he all rigready has input
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the obama administration's work. they have problems with hagel because of israel's issue and other back comments. >> back in 1988 senator hagel made comments about a man who served as ambassador james hormel went on to become the country's first openly gay ambassador. he at the time described him as openly agreasively gay. hagel issued an afollowing he never received it only the news did. gay, lesbian advocacy groups, so we can hip. knock down graig out controversy battle. >> oo thank you vogt incinerate
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would be going up. they increased premiums pes bit the rising cost of health kay. the most vulnerable peter duessy has more from washington. >> some states the accordable care act may not be liing up to its name. some insurance companies in ohio and florida already raised their premiums at least 20 percent. blue shield raises them 26 percent. hoet care costs even though obama care them before we review the tinker if it's an proved sheriff's department it's heart to denied the treatment yums.
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that could put a major strain on the system. >> they are heather not going oh get married. subsidiary dies are determined on a state by state level. >> people who buy them on their own are most vv fitable. tea thoeld the un times. there are 37 states where legislatures told regulators they don't have to regulate ever i obsessive rates. >> they are digging and fighting back. thu to borrow money and how the
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crisis resolved could have a last vacation. the treasury department says the anythings will no longer be able to take their roles. cut spending and mow another packs increases. >> the tax issue is ever completed. that's hand us that's ouren spending adishs. you need nancy pelosi firing back saying revenue increases are not off the table quite yet despite the tax hike from the fiscal cliff deal. >> revenue side of it taking care of you. it is from the standpoint of closing loopholes we know doak
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doak do that. what do they know about the president's strategy going forward. instead of private he has public sites. there are more campaign stale stakt ticks. the nation's credit card limit. the president is telling congress to raise that feeling without a sight. one thing i will not do is whether or not they should pay the tax on bills they already wraps up. if congress gives us the ability to pay the pill on time. t i had economy stuff. families and businesses cannot afford the dangerous game. >> congress that is two months to fix the debt ceiling before the u.s. will default on some of the bills. >> how is that tough spot going
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over with repaub cans? -- republicans? >> not very well. thor those who pushed for the higher taxes during the fiscal cliff battle now want to focus on spending. they see raising the debt limit repeatedly is path of the problem. >> looks like the second term of obama will be an in your case term. i am not going to touk with you at all. >> we get to cut one dime nower>> congressman chris van holland said it is irresponsible not to pay bills that are due. after decades of military service two our country the former general can be found in civilian clothes but not necessarily by choice. stan me mccrystal going public
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for the first time that cut his tahrir short. >> 100 yearing ago the 27th man in the u.s. is in that house. presidential bieb brar reand materials. we will go back tore all of the t-shirts. [ male announcer ] coughequence™ #8. waking the baby. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough.
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robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. ♪ many hot dogs are within you. try pepto-bismol to-go, it's the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. now tell the world daniel... of pepto-bismol to-go. oh! blue!
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i touched the ball before it went out, coach. come on, alex, the ref did not call that! it's the championship game! i touched, it's their ball. don't foul them when they inbound. team! alex! good call. >> he retired general stanley mcchrystal taking the blame nor a magazine article that essentially ended his military career. he talks about the 2010 rolling stone article for the first time in his new memoir, my share of attacks. and the article anonymously
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quoted mcchrystal's aides criticizing. and he talked about it in an interview. >> i was awakened about 2 in the morning and i was told there was a problem, that the rolling stone article was about to come out and it was bad. >> shannon: mcchrystal resigned as administration in afghanistan after that article was published and in the book writes no matter how he judged the story for fairness and accuracy, the responsible was his own, you can hear much more from general mcchrystal tomorrow night in an hour long interview with sean hannity, nine o'clock eastern right here only on fox news channel. super storm sandy victims are one step closer to getting the help they need. president obama signing into law the 9.7 billion dollar panel approved by lawmakers. it will increase the borrowing authority of the federal emergency management agency to help flooding victims. and warned it was set to run out of money from additional dollars from congress and more than 100 payments would have been delayed without that
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additional money and the house and senate are expected to act on a larger and more comprehensive sandy aid package in the next couple of weeks. a centennial celebration underway for one of the most controversial presidents in our history. president nixon would be 100 years and he was born in yorba linda, california. >> hi there, shan nan. january 9th, 1913 president nixon was born in the house behind me, 36 years since his presidency ended with the watergate scandal and people gathering to consider what he did in a great historical context. and watergate is not forgotten or here at the library, but people today considering really what he did in terms of his greater political legacy for the world. take a listen. ♪
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a soaring tribute to mark what would be the 100th birthday of a man's whose political legacy echoes across two centuries. richard nixon was a celebrated and vilified leader who coaxed a sleeping china out into the world and it sounded today, overburdened budget, health care reform and social freedoms. >> that's one thing that's very important for a lot of us who worked in that administration to see that at some point you understand the magnitude, the sheer magnitude of what he did. >> reporter: while washington today endures deep divisions. america's 37th president got on with the left as much as his own republicans, earning him an enduring reputation. how would he view the world today? >> he would look at the countries in the world and try to find ways to, to create more positive interaction between countries and i think
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he would look at the world and he would say, there's still a lot of work to do. >> and still looked on in a kinder light, but watergate will still dog his nature and i asked a classmate who is still alive, nobody knew nixon, a private person and perhaps history will one day prove he was merely misunderstood. shannon. >> shannon: how do they remember him today? >> well, we have the ceremony as you saw in our report there, but then they have people from the marines and we have people from congress and of course his family speaking about it, particularly talking about military service, remember, he'd served in the navy during the second world war and he could become a commander-in-chief and what led to his geopolitical debt and the way he approached china it would be incredible
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like dealing north korea today and considered prior to pretty much an enemy and how it was a brave politician with an immense world vision and that seems to be his long-term legacy and perhaps history remember him more kindly in the future. >> dominique di-natale live. thank you. >> they are reminders of the innocent lives claimed by a ruthless murderer. memorials in newtown, connecticut. so many generous and caring people across the country thinking of the victims and entire town and now it has a request it hopes will be honored. and also an evacuation at the country's busiest airport let alone the world. ticking, coming from a passenger's bag, but it may not be what you think it is. wait until you hear what the bomb squad found. ♪
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♪ ♪ we're lucky, it's not every day you find a companion as loyal as a subaru. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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>> the massacre of 20 children and six adults at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut, helped to ignite a new controversy over gun shows, and legal law abiding gun owners are showing up coast to coast, and one community
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debating what to do asheville gun and knife show. elizabeth prann is in nearby fletcher to tell us more. one councilman tells us that the gun shows are a forum for illegal gun trade, but who we spoke to said backgrounds are checked. the asheville gun and knife show, that's not good news for everyone. >> it's the sense of the people of asheville if they don't want guns here. >> since 1994 guns have been outlawed on city property in north carolina and condition shows like this prove that laws are not being enforced. >> our law specifically says you cannot possess a gun or a knife other than a pocket knife if any city facility. he says it's city property and intends to stop the shows here. and others that i the city has
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no authority. >> they own the land, and we're going to proceed with our gun show as we normally do. >> while they're at odds who owns the property, north carolina gun dealers points to a state statue and a city ordinance. >> there's a north carolina general statute, this state, no county or municipality may discriminate against a licensed gun show with any type of zoning or ordinances. >> now, lie you heard, shannon, that gun owner distributor said that a lot of the people are feeling discriminated against and also say that banning these gun shows will not be a solution to the mass shootings that we're seeing across the country. back to you. >> elizabeth prann live in north carolina, thank you. in the weak of the tragedy at sandy hook elementary school they're facing problems, from a worldwide outpouring of
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support. since the down has been inundated with toys, letters, tokens of kindness, so much so they're asking well fishers to stop sending donations and the avalanche of gifts. 30,000 at last count and volunteers are going to sort through to the mailings until town leaders can figure out how best to distribute the items. >> he is president obama's next peek to be the secretary of defense and even though normal nebraska senator chuck hagel is a republican some of his former g.o.p. colleagues in the senate are not voicing support for his nomination, in fact, one is saying he's dead set against it. and we'll take a look why. and convoy of missiles and why troops are already on the ground to man them. ground to man them. ♪ [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health
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[beep] [indistinct chatter] [kids talking at once] [speaking foreign language] [heart beating] [heartbeat continues]
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[faint singing] [heartbeat, music playing louder] ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me ♪ ♪ i was a lonely soul, but that's the old me... ♪ announcer: this song was created with heartbeats of children in need. find out how it can help frontline health workers bring hope to millions of children at >> a wave of interest from chinese students is sweeping across our nation's college campuses resultening a flood of new students from china who are enrolling here and the universities are going all out to attract them. clauda cowan has more. >> and for the administration and focusing on marketing right now. >> 23-year-old aerial from central china's shen province
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preps a new normal, the third straight year one in four hail from china. 194,000 students, 23% increase over the previous year. in large part, the surge is due to china's growing economy and flourishing middle class and u.s. schools are reaching out to wealthy families willing to pay full freight often tens of thousands of dollars in tuition upfront. and santa clara administrator actively recruits in china saying these young people also contribute diversity and a strong work ethic. >> quite frankly you'll find with the chinese, many are very driven and not as distracted that typically distract u.s. students. >> and trouble with the language, at some are using head sets for english to mandarin translation. and those that enroll hundreds, one administrator
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got fed up and quit. dale smith an associate dean the at u.s. business school and isn't talking. according to an account in san francisco chronicle feared the influx might dilute the educational experience for all students. it's a valid concern say experts who suggest admissions boards rely as much on rigorous language screening as son test scores. >> then it can go smoothly. it takes training and the part of the staff, in fact, training of the faculty to engage these students within the classroom. >> and elsewhere on campus, where the number of chinese students pursuing an american education is only expected to grow. i see like more and more students come from mainland china and they like really want to have this opportunity here. >> in santa clara california, clauda cowan, fox news. >> i'm shannen bream in bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news.
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rare speech to supporters tonight we have rare reaction to what he said to the u.s. state department. it is yet another attempt by him to claim to power. it does nothing for the goal to a political condition. only for the syrians, but their allies, russian, not offered a peace plan and the rebels won't even talk. in u.s. politics, they would
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call it the optics and they're important. president assad >> too looking in control and on state tv and speaking to adoring crowd, remind they're a large numbe
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authorities say two bombers drove up to the gate shot and killed a guard and stormed the compound firing their weapons. police say once inside they blew themselves up along with their car. two members of the local con soul were killed with a teenaged boy and two other civilians. at least 15 wounded. the taliban is claiming
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responsibility. across the border in pakistan combat firefighters killed in drone strikes. u.s. drones targeted three militant hideouts. no word on the identity of those killed but we are told two pont commanders including the head of the training unit for suicide bombers may be among them. also in pakistan four people killed in an attack on a train. top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. in 80 seco pakistan, that attack happening on a passenger train in the southwestern part of the country. the dead include three passengers and a member of pakistan's military. a dozen more people were injured. so far no one is claiming responsibility for the attack. >> india, an inferno burning at a fuel storage terminal in the west. (siren sounding) it started yesterday in one tank and spread overnight to other tanks because of strong winds.
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the fire so big, smoke and flames can be seen from nearly ten miles away. officials say several people who work at the facility are missing. china, dense fog being blamed for a 30-car pileup, the massive crash involving large trucks and small cars and eyewitnesses say the truck the first to be hit had the most damage, at least five people injured. >> spain, hitting the jackpot. the winners celebrating in the streets of madrid. the el nino showering the money among top ticket holders in five regions of the country. each receiving more than $200,000 and agreed to pay a 20% income tax on that in keeping with new austerity measures and that's a wrap on the fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. a busy day at the nation's
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capital, telling that president obama will nominate chuck hagel to head the defense department. and joining me, jamie, let's start there. a lot of pushback from many different quarters. what's he up against? >> since his name was floated in early december, you've had a lot of critics coming out criticizing his potential and now looks like imminent appointment or nomination to be defense secretary. originally the criticism focused on his stances for israel and his position on iran and since expanded to comments an ambassador in 1990's, an ambassador to luxembourg because he was openly aggressively gay. and handling a bureaucracy as big as the defense department, many people say he doesn't. now you have some republican senators opposing their former colleague, some saying he they
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won't vote for him. john cor zion and others are uneasy with comments opposing james hormel the ambassador to luxembourg for being openly aggressively gay and also his stance on israel. it looks like a rookery reception on both sides of the aisle when he has his hearings in washington. >> shannon: and jamie, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell says he's going to get a fair shake. he's going to get the tough questions, but we'll treat him fairly. sometimes covering washington ahead of the hearings, folks will say it's an allout war. do you think it comes true this time? >> i think there's going to be serious questions from, certainly the republican side, but i also think the democratic side. you've had not just mitch mcconnell say that and
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obviously he's trying to be diplomatic saying he'll get a fair hearing and i think he will. but a lot of questions regarding the stances. i think that some people see hagel as indicating, for instance, maybe a greater shift in the budget talks, i know we're going to get to that to cut defense department spending, because you have leon panetta, obama's current defense secretary and opposed to defense cuts and maybe with hagel, a signal that the obama administration might be moving towards pushing for defense cuts. so i think you'll he have a lot of pushback, certainly on the republican side of the aisle to that. >> the white house, the president certainly, they know what he's going to face. does it it feel like to you that the president is sort of itching for a fight by going ahead with this nomination? >> you think of all the things facing the president in washington to get done, the gun issue, immigration reform. why would he try to stoke a fight over this, when there are other qualified people who are democrats even that republicans steam to suggest
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would have gotten an easy ride, an easy confirmation and michelle for one, prominent defense intellectual on the democratic side and i've talked with some republicans who actually milike her, she would have been easy-- and it's kind of strange, some republicans see it as an odd choice. >> shannon: the president says there's not going to be a fight over the debt ceiling we know the money has running out at this point and they have to do something and republicans have held it out during the fiscal cliff negotiations as the next best opportunity to negotiate and democrats need their votes to get that ceiling raised, but the white house says we're not going to negotiate and there's not going to be a fight. >> that's not what the republican said is saying. john boehner, speaker boehner after not getting half of his caucus, having to depend on democrats for the fiscal cliff vote is now saying that we gave in on taxes, now it's time for spending cuts, serious entitlement reforms,
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which is where, you know, the the bulk of our long-term fiscal problems are. and this is going to be used, the debt ceiling is going to be used to get cuts. mitch mcconnell has said something similar. so you have the president saying one thing, but those in the house and senate, the republican leaders, saying something completely different. >> shannon: yeah, they think this is going to be all about spending ab that's the comfort. house minority leader nancy pelosi saying hey, we're not done talking about revenue, there could be tax increases with part of this negotiation. >> and the president himself said in the midst of the fiscal cliff deal when it looked like a deal, that this does not end the tax debate, but the the republicans say, that you know, there's 80 trillion dollars in unemployment liabilities no matter what you do in taxes, that's not going to solve where the problem is, which is medicare, social security, and medicaid, entitlement reform and they gave in, they thought on raising taxes and revenue and want to focus pretty much exclusively on entitlement
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spending. >> jamie weinstein, it's going to be an interesting couple of months in washington. thank you. >> it will be exciting. >> get ready to say goodbye to falling gas prices, why experts say prepare to pay more at the pump this year and it's something that every travelling carries in his or her luggage, but managed to shut down part of the world's busiest airport and more on what caused the commotion, a train collides with a car. the the fate of the driver behind the wheel coming up. let's give thanks - for an idea. a grand idea called america. the idea that if you work hard, if you have a dream, if you work with your neighbors... you can do most anything. this led to other ideas like lerty
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and rock 'n' roll. to free markets, free enterprise, and free refills. it put a man on the moon and a phone in your pocket. our country's gone through a lot over the centuries and a half. but this idea isn't fragile. when times get tough, it rallies us as one. every day, more people believe in the american idea and when they do, the dream comes true. we're grateful to be a part of it.
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>> an alert teacher in alabama foiled a possible plot to bomb a russell is county high school with the suspe ves. the suspect behind that alleged scheme is a 17-year-old boy, described as a self-proclaimed white supremist who wanted to commit hate crimes.
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and he might have succeeded had he not left the journal with the plans where a teacher could find it. >> the journal contained potential attacks, attacks of violence and danger on the school and in particular, there were six students specifically named and one teacher. he had put a lot of thought into this. it was obvious to us that there was more than just writing a story in a journal and it being fictitious. >> shannon: police say a search of the suspect's house uncovered the makers of live grenades. 's facing a felony charge of attempted assault and will be tried as an adult. in nearby georgia, a terrifying ordeal as a mother comes face-to-face with an intruder and manages to fight back. walton county police say the woman was at home with her two children when the burglar broke in. they hid in a crawl space.
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this mother was armed and aimed at confronting a stranger in her house. >> all of a sudden, the crawl space door opens where she and her children are and she is he' face-to-face with this perpetrator who is in turn staring at her and her two kids and a .38 revolver. >> what's she do now. >> she fires all shots. >> the wounded intruder crashed into a tree and recovering from multiple shnts wounds. >> mother and kids are safe. a confronting an oncoming train, our fox trip across america. >> maryland, the small red car drove into the path of a baltimore commuter train. thankfully the train wasn't travelling fast and able to stop after the collision, nobody on the train was hurt, just shaken up. >> i noticed it because i was falling asleep and had my head jerk, so, no, no, not bad. >> the driver of the car
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blaming the glare from the rising sun not seeing the train or crossing signals. >> louisiana, a four alarm fire breaks out at historical inter-continental hotel in downtown new orleans, more than 600 guests evacuated to a hotel across the street and the fire began in a fourth floor laundry room and fire crews contained that fire to the area, but the lobby did suffer some water damage. georgia, part of a term until at atlanta's heart field jackson airport evacuated after a passenger bag began ticking. a concerned employee called in the bomb squad for a closer look, turns out it was a false alarm. the passenger had a toothbrush in their bag, a battery operated set off and making this noise. >> the terminal reopened and passenger made her flight. authorities say the worker did the right thing by calling for help. california, a winter tradition lives on in san francisco. more than two dozen brave
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souls endured 49 degrees water swimming from alcatraz island to san francisco's aquatic park. most wore wet suits for warmth except for one who donned nothing, but his speedo. brrr. if you've filled up your car or truck tank recently, you've probably noticed gas surprises gradually going higher and 2013 could be a pricey year at the bump. anchor of bulls and bear, brenda buttner has the details. >> shannon, watch out, that price at the pump may be driving higher. just as the ball is dropping for 2013, prices were rising. gas costs began january with a national average the highest ever to start a new year, 3.29 a gallon. by friday, the average for a gallon was 3.30. that's less than a month ago, but two cents more costly than a week ago and eight cents in the past two weeks. and chances are, prices will keep climbing in the next few months.
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some analysts expect them to peak at just under four bucks a gallon in early april. all of this even though oil prices are $10 less expensive than the near $103 a barrel price that began last year. yet, they have trended higher of late. a lot of the pain of gassing up depends on the economy, if the recovery gets stronger there will be more demand, more vehicles on the road. people driving more miles and that fuels higher prices, but despite lower global demand, 2012 set gas price records across the country. fueled by superstorm sandy, hot spots in the mideast and trouble at refineries. some good news, triple-a forecasts that fuel prices nationally will average lower than they were last year. yet, that's likely cold comfort for americans, who have less money in their wallets after the d.c. deal on the fiscal cliff. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: thank you, brenda. wild card weekend in the nfl. your highlights or low lights depending on which team is
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yours next. plus, french actor gerard depardieu getting cozy with russian president vladimir puttin. what's causing this exchange next.
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>> it's january and that means nfl playoffs. in the nfc washington redskins hosting seattle. redskins were trailing by a touchdown rg 3 i should say robert griffins iii, no word how serious it is, would not return to the game and seattle's rushing offense m a very good day and seahawks win 24-14 and they will face the dolphins next week. and the afc, baltimore ravens taking care of business and the indianapolis colts, ravens receiver bolden had a big game. 145 yards receiving and a touchdown. colts rookie quarterback andrew luck struggled. zero touchdowns and one interception and ravens win that one 24-9 and travel to denver to play the broncos next weekend. final home game for a man some called the greatest man in ravens history. ray lewis. and he's retiring at the e of the season, his team gave
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him the game ball after the final play. and good news, hockey fans, after a marathon negotiations it looks likes there will be hockey this year. national hockey league and the nhl players union reached a tentative deal early this morning to end out lockout that threatened the entire season. anna kooiman with the details. >> a long time coming. >> you better believe it. they finally reached an agreement over how to split the record 3.3 billion dollars made last season. and the schedule should resume later this month with just under half the season left. the new 10-year deal was reached early this morning after a marathon 16 hours of negotiations. and will replace the one that's expired on september the 15th. however, it's not final until ratified by 30 team owners and about 740 employers. under the terms, players and team owners share 50-50, significant drop for the
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players, but salary will increase and a pension plan for the first type. and here is what they had to say about the new 10-year agreement. >> we've got to dot a lot of i's and cross a lot of t's, a lot of work to be done, but the basic frame work has been agreed upon. >> the bottom line we've worked as hard as we could do get it done and at the end of the day what we accomplished done. >> looking bleary-eyed the first time in two decades a large portion of the season is wiped out. >> shannon: how are fans reacted? >> they're upset and ready to watch the sport. >> i looked up and i was really surprised and happy, that was my first-- >> it's unfortunate that it took so long to resolve it. you have billionaire ownersen millionaires players that can't sort things out, but at
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the end of the day we're hoip. >> and we asked the players association what they would say to fans wishing something had been done a lot sooner, they emphasized it was a lockout not a strike. >> how is it going to impact the little guy and who wants to see the games? >> what we can tell you there are no national estimates on the total to small businesses, but restaurant and bar owners particularly those close to the arenas really took a beating, some reporting business down 75% from where it normally would be on game nights and others saying they had to let go the majority of their employees in attempts to keep their doors open. ticket takers, security guards, retailer apparel, and severed the last several months. >> shannon: i know one penguins fan to going to be happy. >> you're happy there. >> shannon: yeah. anna, thank you so much. this just in, sources are telling our own mike emanuel that president obama is expect today nominate john brennan to be the next director of the
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cia. we're told that this could happen as early as tomorrow. brennan spent about 25 years at central intelligence agency before serving as president obama's counterterrorism and homeland security advisor at the white house, and more information as soon as we get it. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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because helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you. >> the next act in gerard depardieu's role as a russian citizen. he was welcomeded by putin and the expatriate was greeted as a hero in a town east of moscow offered an apartment for free. it's not clear where he intends to settle down. his decision to flee his homeland was prompted by the proposed supertax on millionaires. let's do fox fast forward looking ahead to big stories coming up this week. sources telling fox news, president obama will official nominate former republican senator chuck hagel as defense secretary tomorrow.
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if confirmed, hagel would replace defense secretary leon panetta and a suspects in a deadly colorado movie massacre returns it court and prosecutors expected to outline his case against james holmes and the judge will decide whether to send the case to trial. and on this day in 2001, a joint session of congress officially certified george w. bush the winner of the 2000 presidential election. it had been one of the hardest fought campaigns in recent memory. texas governor versus the vice-president and when the election results came in the vice-president won the popular vote because florida was too close to call, it went into equivalent of overtime, remember the pregnant, hanging and dip pelled chads and after challenges to the supreme court, 5-4 to halt the recall in florida and bush took florida getting the 25 needed electoral votes and he took the oath of office and
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lawmakers recognizing george w. bush 12 years ago. and is his parents' 68th wedding anniversary, they're now the longest married presidential couple in history. they met at a christmas dance in connecticut in 1941, married four years later and mr. bush, wearing his officer's uniform. he was 21 and on leave from active duty in world war ii as a navy pilot. mrs. bush was 20 and her groom was the first boy she'd ever kissed. president bush is still in a houston hospital for related cough and he's in a regular that's the news for today. huckabee is next. tonight on huckabee the president and democrats got their way and raised taxes but did they give republic upper hand on the next fiscal fight.
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gearing up for the debt ceiling battle. >> and balanced plan that would cut spending in a responsible way. it always asks the wealthiest americans to pay a little more. and above all, protects our middle class and everyone striving to get into the middle class. >> he promise add fair chance for the milling class, but under the new deal middle class workers will take a bigger percentage hit on their paycheck. charlie gasparino on the impact the fiscal cliff deal will have on every american. plus, he was 11 years old and hungry when he asked her for money on the street. she didn't give him money but something much more valuable that has lasted more than 25 years. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applause] >> thank you very much. a great audience for this new year. and happy new year to you. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. well, it is hard for me to come up with a proper superlative to
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express the disgust i got with president obama and the congress. the gamesmanship and stagecraft that they substituted for statesmanship by rushing through a last-minute piece of legislation is going to cause about 80% of americans to pay more taxes. and it does absolutely nothing to deal with the real problem of run away spending. of course, since incumbents were sent back at a 94% rate in the past election, voters have to accept their responsibility in this disaster of a government. for those who actually believed president obama's promise that if your income was under $250,000, you wouldn't pay one more dime in taxes. then you probably feel sucker punched because you are going to pay an average of about $1,600 more because of the payroll tax increase. now since the person that you probably work for is going to pay that, plus an additional 4.9% tax, i wouldn't count


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